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RESIDENTIAL (Thursday - Sunday) Days of WOW!
(2 Spaces Left)
NOTE: This will be the last Soul Retrieval Training Class that will be offered in a Solo Weekend. So please enroll if you'd like to prepare for the Master Teacher's Training.
This training is a practice that helps you understand the landscape of the realms, transition rites in life and in death, and the soul’s journey; discovering parts of yourself – your gifts in this life, your super power instincts, your enthusiasm, your innocence, your vibrant self - YOUR WHOLENESS - And… Be the GUIDE to help others recover their Sacred Essence. WOW!
I love EVERYTHING about the Soul and its journey - this life, womb, and past lives.
As we heal our soul, our personal journey becomes empowering and certainly more life enriching.
DATES: August 28 - 31, 2025 (4 Spaces left)
LOCATION: Nature's Retreat Center, Mattawamkeag, Maine
***Nature's Retreat Center Photos - click on "Retreats"
More information will be sent upon enrollment
NOTE: Space is Limited to a small group of healers.
Soul Fee: $1295.
Soul Fee: $1095. Early Bird MAY 31, 2025
This Master Class is for those who know the Illumination Process and the Extraction Process from completing the Path of the Reiki Shaman, and are ready to go deeper.
This is the Training You've Been Waiting For! It is so beautiful and full of so much love, that you will never be the same. Your path, your journey will be transformed forever. You will begin to live the life you came here to live.
The Soul fascinates me. It's true... I have a passion for clearing out the old story crap so it can evolve and grow - live and breathe what it came here to do - and... feel ALIVE and VIBRANT while here on earth and in this human body.
I love its journey and what it comes in with to each new body.
And even when it pops out during times of crisis, I love that we have skills and tools passed down through ancient shamanic lineages to locate those parts of us that fled, let them know they are safe to come home to the body, and then dream so much more to help the soul grow beautifully and abundantly.
One has to be prepared properly to enter into the realms, and to leave the realms - cleanly. Learning to track between the realms is a true gift to self and to others. Sandra Ingerman talks about people performing Soul Retrievals and not being trained properly and how it can actually harm a person... YIKES, that feels so unwelcoming to me. And with that notion, this training was created.
For those who have trained with me - YOU are READY to embark on this AMAZING Journey.
PRACTITIONER words: "I began the journey, the Path of the Reiki Shaman just to learn Soul Retrieval. However, I didn't know how life changing it would be. This work isn't just about healing others. In this workshop I was able to work on my own stuff, my own truth - and if I want to I can help others. I didn't realize how much was inside of me that I needed to let go of. This workshop, which does deepen the Path of the Reiki Shaman training, has been life altering for me. I appreciate that this working was more about myself and my journey, rather than just being taught "how to".
As a Nurse, helping others cross over, which has always been a passion of mine, is a true gift to be at the bedside to those who are crossing over - as well as those who don't have family. I now have the tools and knowing how to do this, which helps them cross with easier with grace and dignity, and more healing. I now have the tools to help both, the family and the one who is transitioning. How beautiful the process can be to have someone cross and know where they are going. So rewarding. Thank you Tami!" - Bobbi Jo Hanley
This workshop gives you the tools for self-healing and for helping others. As a practitioner, you too will love this work as much as I do. And, you'll love how it will deepen your practice.
The journeying skills and healing tools of this workshop completes the energy medicine you've been working with.
We'll Explore:
Shamanic Journeying: Journeying between the realms opens us up to the world of magic. It’s a shamanic tool that has been used by great healers since the beginning of time.
Journeying well is an art.
And so you'll learn to journey on purpose to seek an outcome - where you'll begin to see, feel, hear, and sense with a different part of your brain - and trust in what you see, feel, hear, and sense.
And Shamanic Journeying is how we actually locate Souls that fled when it was scared.
And the power of Soul Retrieval... Soul Retrieval... ahhhhhhhh! Once we clear and cleanse the energy field through extraction and illumination work - Soul retrieval is the next step in bringing "self home to self". This is important work!
And… the energy of this work completes and deepens what you've been learning and growing with.
Soul Retrieval helps you recover parts of you that you're ready to have returned to you. Parts from this life or past lives. Part of your creative expression and instincts, and gifts are all waiting for you. It's here in this powerful workshop that you'll retrieve those parts and begin living who you came here to be.
And guiding others to live who they came here to be too. This is where you'll shine your Shamanic Journeying Skills and Fully Trust in the Magic Box!
NOW is the time to awaken your "original blueprint" what you came here to do - for more abundant health, energy, and purpose on your sacred journey.
It's time for you to perform Soul Retrievals for others, so they can shine their Sacred Essence Light.
Transition Rites: A Guide for Life's Journey
Life is a continuous journey, marked by various chapters, each bringing its own set of experiences, challenges, and growth opportunities. Transition rites are those significant moments when one chapter closes, making way for another to open. These rites are essential for personal development, providing clarity and direction as we move forward and create new dreams.
Transition Rites: A Guide to Dying with Ease and Grace
The journey toward the end of life is a profound experience that can be filled with peace and serenity. Transition rites, or end-of-life rituals, serve as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, helping individuals and their loved ones face death with dignity and acceptance. These rites provide comfort and a sense of closure during this significant life transition.
Come. It will change your path.
If you're hearing the call to "Advance Your Skills" as a Sacred Healer.
Join me on the Greatest ADVENTURE for your Soul and your Life!
The Soul's Journey is quite impressive. Life, Death, and Rebirth. And it is filled with infinite wisdom and intelligence. It holds the records of this life, past lives, and future lives.
When our soul feels safe in the body our lives unfold in ways that we dream possible.
And when our soul doesn't feel safe in the body, we feel lost.
We'll enter timeless now to heal events that occurred in the past, and connect the path of destiny. Heal yourself and others through practices used by the Shamans of the Americas. Shamans of the old way call this Journeying.
You'll learn about 4 chambers of the soul, which is likened to the four chambered heart.
- We'll work with a stored away memory that shifted your destiny.
- We'll work with contracts and limiting beliefs that you entered into at the time of soul loss.
- We'll recover the grace and trust that brings in wholeness.
- We'll return a power animal that wants to work with you.
- We'll remember the gifts you choose to come into being with to share with all fellow journeyers.
Healing the Energy Body
Soul Retrieval is a core component in removing "stuck" energy... shifting from "stuck-ness and into flow", returning the part that popped out during times of trauma and bringing that beautiful part of the soul home. Home to the energy body. This returned soul part comes back in without any wounds, only gifts to bring our lives back into wholeness. The returned soul part holds good medicine. The medicine we need to feel whole, rejuvenating our life force energy and regaining health and vitality.
To do this work one must know the landscape of the Illumination and Extraction processes, which are offered in the Path of the Reiki Shaman.
- Learn how to retrieve lost soul parts for your clients and yourself for healing in this life, past lives, and future lives. This course carries the blueprint of the teachings of Andean Shamans of Peru, blended with Core Shamanism, and has so many methodologies that you can utilize to facilitate healing with your own clients.
Your Guide
Tami’s experience, extensive training, and knowledge combined with years of shamanic initiations brings to you a fulfilling course, rich with wisdom and personal breakthroughs.
The Course
Soul Retrieval Practitioner Course advances the skills honed on Reiki Shaman’s Path.
If you have the tools for extraction, you are welcome to attend this AMAZING training as well.
The Advanced Teachings taught in this course include:
The Art of Shamanic Journeying:
- Lower World: The Subconscious Soul Mind
- Middle World: The Conscious Mind and our waking world
- Upper World: The Super Conscious Mind and the Place of our Becoming
- Meet and work with helping allies: Power Animals, Winged ones, Plant Medicine, Luminous Beings, Ancient Ones, and Ancestors
- Understanding how trauma and illness can create soul loss
- How to track a lost soul essence part and guide it home
- Life after soul retrieval
- Learn your Soul's purpose here on Earth and what gifts you came into being with to share with the World.
These intricate teachings on the delicate balance of the soul’s journey will empower you to return self, and your clients to the very essence of a passionate life.
As I breathe in this moment of Peace,
I connect with all I have ever been.
I collect all aspects of my soul source energy
From all times, spaces, and dimensions.
I breathe.
I inhale love.
I inhale light.
And vibrate higher and higher.
I AM Whole.
Residential Training: Includes Training, Meals & Lodging.
- SPACE is Limited - 2 Spaces Left
I only accept those who are ready to deepen the work.
- Testimonies & Slide Show at the bottom
Lodging is also Available by contacting the Inn. Each room overlooks the ocean, and has mini kitchens, indoor pool, and breakfast, and Ocean Access. And, there are yummy restaurants to choose from in Belfast as well.
NOTE: Please read the Prerequisites in this side panel below to see if you meet the requirements to attend.
Hello Beautiful Practitioners,
Please Remember,
You are the flower from which hummingbird drinks from.
You are the Nectar.
You are life.
You are a Sacred Healers
AND... All the work you've been doing has prepared you for this class.
This Soul Retrieval training is a practice that helps you understand the landscape, the journey, the reshaping and integration as you recover parts of yourself - your energy, your enthusiasm, your innocence - YOUR WHOLENESS AND… Be the GUIDE to help others recover theirs.
Soul Retrieval, soul healing, or soul return is a process undertaken by a Sacred Healer in which the lost soul fragments of a person are returned to them, along with gifts and resources in order to help the person not only return to wholeness but also to be able to move forward in life and create the life of their dreams.
Soul Fee: $1295.
Soul Fee: $1095. Early Bird MAY 31, 2025
Payment Plans are Available
I thought the training would be hard and intense and that I'd have to dive in deep... and I did! I dove deep, but the work was so BEAUTIFUL and I am so grateful! My own personal "Soul Retrieval" was incredibly beautiful and filled with lots of joy and laughter.
I learned that it doesn't have to be hard work to feel the AWESOME Benefits.
What a weekend... and I am "trusting" myself. I started on "The Path" last September, and I don't even know that woman anymore. It's been a life changing component for me - WOW, what a transformation. In the second day of the workshop, I crossed my Mother in-law over. That was filled with so much beauty! I never knew how my heart could fully open and trust that I can do this work. I AM doing this work! I have a deeper understanding now of this work, and more trust in myself.
The Soul Retrieval Weekend brought this work all together.
My life is changes forever and I am in Awe.
Thank you Tami.
- Kathryn Duncan
Coming into the training I was a nervous wreck because I knew that I had a piece of my soul missing... and I thought it would be a lot of work... with anxiety... to retrieve the soul and why it left. BUT... it was so BEAUTIFUL.
The whole weekend was like climbing up a mountain and when you get to the top - It's 360 degrees of Clarity.
Thank you.
- Diane Robinson
Tami, I am so happy I found you! People were telling for a while "You need to meet Tami Rogers". From your classes, I feel like everything that I've learned from you and before you in coming into place... an alignment with all the work I've been doing. I am now ready to integrate it all.
And the "Death Rites" is really guiding me towards hospice care.
Thank you. Thank you.
Blessings, Caroline Neilsen
I feel as though I have been unchained from a self-imposed prison...
Just having my sister pass... The Death Rites was an awakening of clearing and letting go and then... so much BEAUTY.
Releasing and letting go of old contracts was empowering. And now... I feel so FREE. Free to finally move forward in my business with renewed sense of freedom, understanding, and tools to support the journey.
I had been doing the work by intuition, which was great. NOW I know how to do it without guessing.
I am truly grateful!
- Deborah Rose
Oh Tami sweet Angel,
I cannot thank you enough for the AMAZING workshop, the beautiful ladies and incredible powerful teaching that you gave us over the weekend. It brought together SO many things for me. I am filled with gratitude.
Rattling/drumming ahhhhh... SO love this... I mean I knew it felt good but didn't realize how amazing it is and crucial for the ritual experience. It's glorious. YES on moving from left brain to theta brain! I wanna spend much more time there!!!
I also loved recapitulation and the death spiral. It is so beautiful to help the dying resolve and clear any heavy hoocha and such an honor to help them receive these gifts and release the energy. Also it is the sacred rituals that the Reiki Shaman brings to the whole situation that are so integral to the whole process. I am noodling on how I integrate this into my volunteer role. I also know that I trust in spirit and Hummingbird will show the way!
Just pure love!!
It all just resonates in a powerful way and makes so much sense. SO grateful Tami!!
XOXO Jocelyn Grover
WOW! What a journey I have been on that has lead me here. EVERYTHING that has been weighing on me has been touched at a certain point in this workshop.
Things I learned more about - it was exactly what I needed. I know it will all continue to unfold over the days and weeks to come.
Tami, thank you so much for venturing out and into the world bringing back all that you've learned, all the travels you've done to collect and gather such healing to bring it all back to us.
I've been looking for a teacher/mentor... and been with many teachers... but none brought me into the direction I was looking for. I have found it here - YOU!
And YES, the drive from Florida to Maine, again and again has been so worth it!
Thank you!
Renee Cobb
After the Path of the Reiki Shaman's foundation work... I knew I had to be here! It's absolutely where I needed to be. Stepping into the "not knowing" and "trusting" the outcome presented so much clarity and detail - all presented itself this weekend.
There's a flow to this work... even though, until now, I wasn't so sure.
The introduction and deepening the lower, middle, upper realms, and Huascar, as well as animal allies, brought EVERYTHING into fullness. Now, I'll be brave and exercise these amazing tools with a level of trust, focus, and insight to help others.
This training is so much more. It is insightful and deep, that it makes so much sense in the context of somebody dying... I can help with this!
The power of this and how it gets integrated in ones life if POWERFUL.
Everyone should experience this workshop!
Everyone should receive the benefits of this deep soulful work.
I stepped on "The Path" to heal myself... and I can honestly say I am ready to share the healing with others.
Renee, you who drove all the way from Florida to train with Tami... You are right, she is so worth the drive!
Tami, I am feeling beyond blessed to have been a part of this deep learning experience. Thank you. - Robin Cust
I loved the Path of the Reiki Shaman.
I loved the 9 Rites of the Munay Ki.
And... I loved this weekend work of Diving deeper into Shamanic Journeying, the Death Rites, and the sweet retrieval of my soul, and retrieving lost parts for others too.
As a man doing this work, I felt nurtured, safe, accepted, and held by the group.
I moved through tons of old "scary" energy this weekend and everything that came through was the exact opposite of what I thought I needed. It was positive and flowing - More Play, Fun, Music, and laughter. This feels REALLY GOOD!
Thank you! I am truly grateful.
- Jarrod Dumas
Since this training, I find things are really flowing. I am integrating more creativity and herb magic. I am speaking my truth and following my heart. Hummingbird has wove into my heart and teaching me to say "YES!" Things that bothered me before have now slipped by and are no longer bothersome. Thank you so much. Love and blessings to you.
- Suzanne Sprague
Tami, I am noticing some significant changes in the part of me that was hiding. She does not appear to be hiding as much. As I learn more about myself and journeying through the realms in a deep focused way, I am finding consistency in the way I treat myself, while embarking on the journeying of learning to care for myself in a meaningful way. I am excited to fully bring her into the light with love. I am grateful for these tools to manage the ups and downs of life. I use them! With deepest gratitude.
- Beth Wyatt
Tami, Words can't express how grateful I am. I feel like I'm living my life now that I have tools. The burden of being an empath felt soooo heavy for so many years - Now my intuition feels like a gift and I can help others on their path as well, and most importantly show up for myself.
You are a true gift to so many!
~ Jenn Ross Boshes
Tami Rogers, Soul Wisdom Healing Studio
93 Thurlow Road, LINCOLNVILLE, ME 04849, US