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"What a transformational weekend. Thank you Tami for sharing these rites with me and within our sacred circle of such huge open hearts.
What a gift to my life." - Lisa Kawski
Nine Rites of the Munay Ki - The Power of Love
May 23 - 25, 2025 (4 Spaces Left)
Dear Soul, this sacred journey, enmeshed in ceremony, rituals, and rites will create space for change in your life now and forever.
The Nine Rites of the Munay Ki can erase both karmic and genetic wounds from our past, and what we inherited from our ancestors. These rites, that come from the Q'ero Shamans of Peru, update DNA allowing a person to create a new body that heals, ages, and dies in a more favorable way.
This workshop will deepen your connection to:
The three principles underlying Incan spirituality are: Munay, Yankay, and Yachay
The first principle is Munay: Love, attitude of respect, acceptance, and reverence for everything in life. When your consciousness is saturated in the energy of Munay, you exude warmth and affection for all beings and all situations. Our ability to feel unconditional love for life grows as we nurture our inner Sun.
The second principle is Yankay: Taking joy in your life-affirming work you bring to the Earth. When your consciousness is saturated in the energy of Yanchay, you naturally and humbly come into service of all beings.
The third principle is Yachay: Wisdom. Wisdom arises from cultivating your inner Sun, and is characterized by clarity, intuition, and discernment. When your consciousness is saturated in the energy of Yachay, you instinctively know the appropriate way to speak and act in any given situation.
Munay-Ki means the "power of love" that invites and welcomes in joy, creativity, compassion, and laughter. And... we live in Peace.
Peace within means you heal at a whole different level; Spiritually, Creatively, Emotionally, and Physically.
NO Previous Experience Needed
- just a want and need for something more life enriching with Love.
3 Day Workshop: Starting each day @ 9am
Fireside Inn, Belfast, Maine
Receive and Learn to Pass the Rites on to Others.
Receive and Open to Your Sacred Journey in the Most Powerful Way!
- 3 Days of WOW!
- Munay Ki Handbook, enmeshed with rites, rituals, and meditations
- Certification
$595. on 4/1
$495. Early Bird Until 3/31
$350. Returning "Munay Ki" Students who want to fall in love again and again.
"Tami, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your wisdom and the world with me. Words alone cannot express my gratitude that you are on my journey with me. You have filled my soul with hope, gratitude, and love. You have given me a view into my own life journey and soul's journey that I never would have had. You have made me feel worthy. I'm wishing you peace and love. Much love ~ Amy Dutton"
(MORE Testimonies and Slide Show Below)
The Munay-Ki Rites training, offers 9 Rites of the Q'ero Shamans of Peru.
These Shamans have savored these Rites for 500 years and most recently heard the call to share these rites with the world.
They are new codes to upgrade your energy field.
These new codes are a map to support you on your path, so you may support the world around on theirs - just by showing up with who you are. The stars in the night sky show up - no action needed, and they remind us to shine our unique light by just showing up... being more present.
The Earth Mother, Pachamama, is CALLING YOU to support the change in the world.
Hear the Call!
WE are all Light Workers and YOU are being called to upgrade your energy field to support this change.
As you learn an ancient spiritual healing approach, you will enhance your sacred offerings and bring forth your own self-healing. WOW!
The Munay-Ki are nine initiation rites, which echo those performed by the indigenous healing practitioners and shamans of the Incan tradition of the Andes mountains.
Bestowed in beautiful ceremonies, the Munay-Ki can bring you into balance, aid in your spiritual progression, and help you on your healing journey.
Traditionally, those who were training to be healers would undertake some of these initiations as part of their extensive training and as part of their progression towards becoming medicine men and women - Sacred Healers, and for those who want to live more freely in their Body, Mind, and Soul.
However, these rites are for anyone who wishes to upgrade their energy with these new codes.
"My heart is so full! Thank you for creating space to share parts of ourselves. Such a beautiful weekend. This class was one of the best classes I’ve ever taken. What a shift! Thank you so much Tami. I give myself much gratitude for allowing myself to be completely open and to just surrender to the divine so beautiful. Munay Sonqo, Suzanne Sprague"
The roots of the Munay-Ki rites are in the initiation rites of the shamans and sacred healers, that have been practice for eons. The practices of the Q'ero people are the closest we will get to knowing the Incan practices because the Inca did not write anything down, preserving the medicine teachings to be only given in person.
The Munay-Ki seeks to bring you into balance, or ayni (right relationship), and to update or inform your luminous energy field.
The rites serve to encourage:
Munay (Love)
Yankay (Service)
Yanchay (Wisdom)
They also protect the curious traveller who wants to learn Shamanic Journeying.
The Munay-Ki rites are rich in beautiful ceremony, where ancient knowledge is downloaded with the rites, aiding you on your spiritual journey.
The Q'ero believe that the rites exist outside of time, so that what you need, be it from the past or the from the future, can be accessed now. Many believe that downloading these rites is an important step in human evolution; dissolving attachments that no longer serve you, and answering to the call to become the Homo-Luminous, shining your Authentic Light.
In our modern world, we have lost so many "rites of passage" that our ancestors routinely undertook that connected us, not only to ourselves, but to all.
The Munay-Ki are traditional rites of empowerment based on the initiation practices of the Q’ero Shamans of the Andes and the Amazon, which can be traced back to the original Laika Himalayan Wisdom Keepers 30,000 years ago. These Rites have been brought to the West to assist in the uplifting of humanity by Alberto Villoldo, a medical anthropologist, who travelled to South America to study the medicine and healing ways of the indigenous people, living and learning with them over a period of several decades.
Munay means “universal love” in the language of the Andes. Ki means energy.
So Munay-Ki beautifully translates to the “energy of love”.
They are at the heart of all spiritual traditions but expressed in different forms. The nine Initiatory Rites have the ability to transform human consciousness – changing the luminous matrix so upgrading the quality of our DNA so that we age, heal and die differently as our physical body evolves into homo-luminous.
The Munay-Ki rites are gifted in the form of energetic transmissions, that are like spirit seeds planted in our physical bodies, healing the wounds of the past, transforming our energy field, and opening us up to the vast potential within us.
"Beautiful weekend connecting with a new tribe of amazing healers learning the 9 Munay Ki rites of awakening and healing! It was such a lovely experience and I so needed this workshop, even though I didn’t know I needed it. Tami, thank you for being so present for us all and making us feel so nurtured and safe to just be in the moment.
I am so blessed for having experienced this journey and to incorporate these rites into my spiritual healing practices. Tami is an amazing teacher and I highly recommend her workshops for anyone looking to take their Reiki or other healing practice to the next level.
I am looking forward to future journeys with Tami.
Light and Love to you all, Nancy Pereira"
Learn about your own energy, how to deflect negative energies, clear out hoocha, and how to connect with the wisdom of a lineage of luminous ones who work from the spirit world.
Understand, work with, and grow your relationship with the elements and archetypes that form and inform your being.
Through working on your own healing and connecting with a lineage of healers from the past, you will become a more intuitive and powerful practitioner, that can fully be present for yourself as well as your clients.
It’s important to remember that the rites are about stewardship, not achievements. Only from a position of no-ego, can we truly be of service.
As you accept stewardship and open to the wisdom of the Earth-keepers, all blessings are bestowed upon you. Return home with the knowledge and learnings to pass these rites on to others.
The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about this time in history as a period of great transformation, a time to make an extraordinary difference in the world. They foretell a new human—a person of wisdom and power who lives free from fear and accepts stewardship for all creation.
These Rites will be woven into your luminous energy field and are energetic transmissions that transform your luminous energy field, heal the wounds of the past, and re-inform your DNA, enabling you to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently, so you can make a powerful contribution to the world.
Come experience the "Energy of Love"; The 9 Munay Ki Rites
This 3-Day Workshop includes the following initiations: Healer’s Rite; The Bands of Power; Harmony Rite; Seer’s Rite; Day-keeper’s Rite; Wisdom-keeper’s Rite; Earth-keeper’s Rite;
Star-keeper’s Rite; and the Creator Rite.
Foundation Rites:
Healer’s Rite: This rite connects you to a lineage of luminous beings. They are the Earth-keepers of the past and they come to assist you in your personal transformation. There is tremendous spiritual assistance available as these luminous ones work with us in our sleep and meditation time to heal the wounds of our past and that of our ancestors. This rite also awakens the healing power in your hands so that everyone you touch is blessed.
Harmony Rite: Seven archetypes are transmitted into your seven chakras. In the first chakra you receive serpent, in the second jaguar, in the third hummingbird, in the fourth eagle. Next you receive into your upper chakras three “archangels”: Huascar, the Keeper of the lower world (the subconscious, soul mind); Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent God of the Americas, Keeper of the middle world (the conscious mind, our waking world); and Pachakuti, Protector of the upper world (our super-conscious) and keeper of the time to come. This rite helps you to develop a ‘rainbow body’ and to shed your past the way serpent sheds her skin.
Bands of Power: Five luminous belts (representing the five elements) are woven into your luminous energy field (LEF) for protection. These bands act as filters, breaking down any negative energy that comes your way into one of the five elements (earth, air, fire, water, and pure light). This means that these energies then feed you rather than making you ill. These Bands are always in place and constantly working.
Seer's Rite: This rite installs pathways of light that connect the visual cortex with the third eye and heart chakra. This rite awakens the ‘inner seer’ and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and Spirit.
Vibration of Angels and Archangels
Day-keeper’s Rite: This rite connects you to a lineage of master healers, Day-keepers from the past. They are able to call on the ancient altars (such as Machu Picchu and Stonehenge) to heal and bring balance to the earth. These Day-keepers call on the sun to rise each day, and set each evening. They can bring humans into harmony with Mother Earth. The Day-keepers were the midwives who attended births and deaths, as well as being the herbalists, or curanderas. They were generally women, and were knowledgeable about the ways of the feminine earth. With this rite you begin the process of healing your inner feminine. It helps you to step beyond fear, and practice peace.
Wisdom-keeper’s Rite: This rite connects you to a lineage of luminous beings from the past and from the future. This rite is associated with the snow-capped mountains, the sacred places of power, where one can meet the divine. This rite helps you begin to heal your inner masculine. It helps you to step outside of time and to taste infinity. The job of the Wisdom-keeper is to protect the medicine teachings and to share them with others when appropriate.
Earth-keeper's Rite: This rite connects you to the archangels that are the guardians of our galaxy. The Earth-keepers are stewards of all life on the Earth, and come under the direct protection of these archangels. They can summon their power when they need to in order to bring healing and balance to any situation. This rite connects you to the stars, and to the sun, our local star. It helps you learn the ways of the seer, and to dream the world into being.
Star-keeper’s Rite: This rite anchors you safely to the time after the great change that is said will occur on or around the year 2012. When you receive this rite, your physical body begins to evolve into that of Homo Luminous, the aging process is slowed down, your DNA is re-informed, and you become more resistant to disease.
Creator Rite: This rite awakens the Creator-Light within you and brings forth a sense of stewardship for all creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies in the universe. This rite has never been available before on the planet. It was gifted to us by the Inka elders in the summer of 2006. Once attained only through direct transmission from Spirit, it is now possible to transmit from one person to another.
While this training is intensive, I have built in plenty of time to integrate your experiences. With loving presence, I offer a safe and non-judgmental healing space where you can allow yourself to connect with your sacred energy as you step into your true power.
As you experience the each Munay-Ki Rite, you will feel the energy and presence of these luminous ones. They will come to you and guide you with their wisdom and love.
3 Day Workshop: Starting each day
@ 9 am and ending at 5-ish
Fireside Inn, Belfast, Maine
The training fee does not include lodging or meals. However, lodging is Available at the Inn. Each room overlooks the ocean, and has mini kitchens, indoor pool, and breakfast, and Ocean Access. And, there are yummy restaurants to choose from in Belfast as well.
There are many area hotels as well as Airbnb's to chose from.
No previous experience required.
This Training Welcomes Each Participant on A Personal Journey of Healing and Profound Transformation.
The energy of the Munay-Ki rites is available to all recipients. Whether you choose this path for personal healing and growth, or to facilitate healing in others, the Munay Ki Rites are a gift that will bless every aspect of your life.
Change the way you perceive yourself and everything around you. Enter this path with sincere intention and an open heart, and you will leave with a deeper sense of purpose and connection to Spirit.
As the initiations accelerate your transformation and evolution, we recommend that you continue to do your personal work, so that you are fully supported in your healing journey. The more personal work you do, the more space you create to receive the rites.
If you are already practicing as a healer, this training will enhance your understanding and existing gifts enormously. You will also learn to give the rites to others and contribute to shifting human consciousness and the evolution of humanity.
-Full initiation and training in Munay-Ki Rites
-Munay Ki Guide Manual
-Initiated Pi Stone for Transmissions
-Guided Visualization and Meditations
-Sacred Fires to grow the transmission seeds
-Continued Support to fully integrate the learnings of the training
**If Your Training to Step into the Reiki Shaman Master Teacher role, this training will enable you to attune and transmit students to Reiki and the Shamanic Foundational Munay Ki Rites.
Prerequisite: NONE
NOTE: This is Required Training for the Path Master Teacher Training.
$595. on 4/1
$495. Early Bird Until 3/31
$350. Returning Munay Ki Students
"I am forever grateful to be on this path you, and truly excited to share any moments with you - especially singing and dancing!" Love to you Always ~ Caroline Nielsen
"I was able to shed some old skin and now my physical body feels better. I love the lightness. I am now weaving beautiful ribbons of all the teachings I've worked with - a new fabric is forming. And... this is beautiful. I am deeply honored to have received these rites, my heart is full of love."
Amy Wappler
" Such a powerful experience. I will remember this for the rest of my life!"
XOXO Jessica Clark
"Hello beautiful Soul
I just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful 3 day experience.
I needed it more then I knew. I do feel alive and something big has awakened in my Soul that makes me excited again. My sessions are already more powerful and I'm dancing again.
Oh my gosh, thank you thank you.
Big hugs and much love to you"
Blessings, Mary McCormick
" Thank you Tami, and Thank you to all our sisters and brother. What an experience. What a gift. ♡ A'ho!!!"
- Cassandra Roy
"Powerful! WOW! Amazed! Beyond Beauty, more than I could have ever imagined." - Jenny Roberts
"I feel activated! I have travelled many places - worldwide - with the intention of "I am ready to be activated". And... it hadn't happened - "It HAPPENED during this Munay Ki Training. I am really moved and grateful by that. Thank you Tami for cracking me open. I have been with some amazing teachers but I have not been able to crack the walnut shell. It happened on day two of this training. I feel like a kid, reborn in my illumination. I'm READY!! And, I am grateful for these new seeds for humanity. I am grateful for shifting from any fear to love - the greatest seed of all. Tami, I honor you. Thank you." Tracy Whitten
Oh Tami, I want to extend my appreciation to you for such a truly amazing and transformative weekend! I will carry all of the wisdom, love, and energy from your teachings and gifts into my herbal studies and my everyday life. The seeds have been planted and I will continue to feed, nurture, and grow them. The Munay–Ki Rites have had such an impact on me already. I have never felt so whole and complete, I have been reborn! I am blessed to have been able to share the entire experience with such a beautiful soul tribe, I do hope we can all stay connected. I am overwhelmed with gratitude! Thank you, Tami, sincerely.
Munay, Tish Schade
"In this training there is an AMAZING Vibration that is full of love, joy, and excitement. I have fallen back in love with life, myself, my family and friends - just everyone who is in my life." Kelly Stanley
"I had no idea why I came to this training... yet I am full of JOY and EXCITEMENT. This training has reset my path, and is the beginning of an incredible journey. I am not sure what this looks like, but I'm with an open heart now and the path looks more clear. Thank you! A Deep Thank you." Joanne Knight
I am extremely blessed to have stepped into the Munay Ki Rites. I have studied with Tami since early 2000 and her work, her energy never ceases to AMAZE me. I am deeply honored to receive and give the Rites of the Andean Q'ero Shamans that come from Peru. The energy is purely beautiful and I have risen to new heights and feel so held and nurtured.
Thank you.
XO Dot Blackwood
After my weekend with Tami, WOW, I am going to step on the Path of the Reiki Shaman. I am fully aware of how important this work is. I am ready!
- Jarrod Dumas
"In the past I was called to work with 13 Indigenous Grandmothers - that was Powerful! I thought I was just coming to the Munay Ki Training to learn the rites. I knew it would be special. However, I didn't know about the love and sacredness of the whole group, which is a container that you made Tami "in a Hotel" - WOW, It was AMAZING! All the faces, eyes, softness - and so much love. I am empowered and full of community - ready to share, to spread the seeds of light. I am connected to the Earth in a deeper way - and now is the time to be part of it. I learned so much. I now know why I was called to this workshop. It's powerful and I've returned to me. Thank you." Michelle Hodgdon
I am super grateful for this empowering weekend. I had some resistance... yet I came because I want to be of service. After a year of Covid... and no touching... the "forehead to forehead" was so moving and filled with so much love. "WE WERE TOUCHING!"
These rites have renewed my path forward. I love the Creator Rites, the 9th Rite, it brought everything together. Tami, you blew in the Universe, the Mountains, all the Love... into my hands. They are AWAKENED. I am awakened.
Thank you! Laurie Hayden
This weekend workshop of receiving the 9 Rites of the Munay Ki was well worth being inside. I have no regret, only deep gratitude and wanting to study with Tami more.
- Mike McLellan
"I didn't know why I was called to the Munay Ki - I do now! I have found my Spirit. And, I'm so happy I did before I died." Amy Dutton
I loved every minute of our precious time together. Definitely an experience of a lifetime!
The training was such a safe vessel to give and receive the Rites. All the Rites are so beautiful, but the Star Keepers Rite made me feel the curiosity of being 3 years old again with "What's that?" the innocence and wonder just came flooding back!
I am so grateful - Barbara Fearing
Tami offers a beautiful training of the 9 Rites of the Munay Ki. The weekend is full of much needed love, holding, nurturing, kindness, and acceptance. This was an Incredible Journey of giving and receiving. My heart, my mind, my stomach is FULL of light.
Thank you Tami!
Ken Brown
Tami Rogers, Soul Wisdom Healing Studio
93 Thurlow Road, LINCOLNVILLE, ME 04849, US